About Schwien Engineering

Forty-seven years as the industry leader, Schwien Engineering was founded in 1958, specifically to meet the specialized needs for precision pressure control, and measurement, in the avionics industry.

In this age of rapid obsolescence, the SUPER SCHWIEN MANOMETER™ is unique. The majority of Schwien manometers built by Schwien Engineering, since the late L. Nevin Schwien introduced the original design in Pomona California, are still in service. Their performance record is testimony to their superior quality and capability.

Pomona, California, USA

Corporate Name:

Schwien Engineering, Inc.

2882 Metropolitan Place
Pomona, California 91767-1854
Phone: 909-593-2535   Fax: 909-593-8898

Homepage: http://www.schwien.com
E-mail: manometer@schwien.com

Private U.S. Company. Incorporated in November 18, 1958


Primary Industry: Manometers, industrial process-type, manufacturing

       2002 NAICS Definitions 334513 Instruments and Related Products Manufacturing for Measuring, Displaying, and Controlling

Primary NAICS Code: 334513

Product Target Industry: Avionics (Commercial and Military), Primary Standards Laboratories, Pressure Measurement Industry